All Club Events and Club Play Times can be

found by clicking below





                               The pickleball board has been approved!                                              The existing board approved the unopposed candidates as follows:

Dave Planting, President

Lance Moyer, Vice President

Susan Szelinger, Treasurer

Naomi Lewis, Director of Communication  

                These new board members will join the existing board                            members on November 1st. 

Existing board members are;

Lenore Chase Secretary

Nicole Mueller, Director of Website Development 

Mary Kermoade, Director of Membership



  The pickleball courts at Sun Lakes Country Club are available to HOA#1                  residents, their guests, and SLCC Pickleball Club members.  

    SLCCPC encourages and promotes a fun and social atmosphere where club              members of all skill levels can enjoy playing pickleball. 

    Our Club offers clinics and lessons to learn and improve pickleball skills.     We have socials with fun activities, great food, and opportunities to meet                                               new friends. 

                          Pickleball is a fun, easy sport to learn!

                    Come swing a paddle with us and enjoy one of the

                          fastest growing sports in America.

                    Our courts are open from 6am - 9pm everyday.                


   "As a club we want to promote the love of the game and encourage             cooperation and consideration among all players when using this wonderful                             facility at Sun Lakes Country Club.

If you have any questions about our club, you can contact us at


NIT Results 2024

Congratulations to Barry Schultz silver in the NIT 75 Doubles

Congratulations to Lonnie Kermoade and Jason Mueller for taking the

Gold in the mens 3.0

also to Rick Ebel and Rick Chase for taking the bronze


10 Ways to Prevent Pickleball Injuries


Thank you to everyone who came out for our Ribbon Cutting social /round robin for our new nets. We had a great turn out it was

a beautiful day on the courts.

Thank you again to The Greater Sun Lakes Community Foundation.

It was nice to meet you all in person.  

****Meet your SLCCPC Board of Directors 2023-24****


Thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual membership meeting. We had a great turn out with some great information given out.

We are for sure ONE FUN CLUB!! Lots of new things going on for     our members to enjoy.           

From left to right -

Rick Chase(Treasurer)

Marge own (secretary)

John Moran (Director of procurements and special projects)

Mary Kermoade-(Director of Membership)

Nicole Mueller (Director of website)

Lonnie Kermoade (President)

Debbie Lockard (Director of communications)

JD Hunt (vice president)



     *** 2nd Annual Social Event of the season***

We had meet and greet of our Board of Directors and answered questions from our members and played some round robin. It was a great way to meet new members and help those who are just starting out.  

         We had 65 plus members come join us it was a great turn out. Thank you to everyone that came out even in the cold and a little rain and enjoyed coffee and donuts.

         Thank you to Tennis Cabana for coming out and brining your demo paddles for all of us to tryout.


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